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COVID-19 Led to a Decline in The Number of Marriages in Malaysia

Before the pandemic, many people were dissatisfied with their romantic lives. In 2019, two-thirds said their dating lives were not going well, and three-quarters said it was difficult to find people to date.

Nonetheless, a majority of single-and-searching adults 63% – including similar shares of men and women – say dating has become even more difficult during the pandemic, while 32% say it has remained about the same and only 3% say it has gotten easier. Younger daters are far more likely than older daters to say dating is more difficult now (71% vs. 58%).

Single adults under the age of 30 are significantly more likely than older age groups to state that the COVID-19 pandemic has made them more interested in seeking a committed relationship – roughly 22% say this, compared to one-in-ten or fewer in older age groups. Men are also more likely than women to claim they are looking for a long-term relationship (15% vs. 8%).

According to a research done by Pew Research Center.Number of Marriages ENG