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16 First Date Tips For Single Men in Malaysia and Singapore
First date is introverts' killer, it can be extremely nerve-wracking because one just used up big part of his courage to ask that someone out, and she said yes! Extroverts don't seem to have an issue about asking girls out for first dates but being overly confident is their weakness as some girls subconsciously book them a ticket to the friend zone.
Let's begin by easing your dating nerves!
Tip #1. Reassess Your Expectations
Ask yourself if you are ready to enter a romantic relationship, your date deserves to know if you are serious about looking for a long-term partner. If you are not ready, women can instinctively sense that during the first date.
Tip #2. Indicate Your Intentions
Is this a date? a business lunch? a gossip session? Yes, I think you get the idea. It is important to clarify your intentions when asking a girl out for the first time.
Lucky you! If she asks, "Is this a date?" If you do not answer yes, you could be getting yourself another friend. If she shuts your intention down, please be a gentleman to move on to the next girl instead. Take it positively, grow and learn from it.
Tip #3. Safety & Security
You might enjoy the natural ambience of forest or quiet beach. But for the first date, please meet her in a public place. The girl, whom you are about to meet for the first time, needs to know that the dating location is a safe place for her to meet a stranger. Sometimes, visiting a place or restaurant she's been to is not a bad idea at all.
Tip #4. Prepare for Dating Conversations
Forget the pick-up lines, women rate empty compliments poorly. The girl you are about to meet is more likely to be attracted to man who sparks conversation topics. Please do not give a speech, be alert if you have been doing all the talking; it is time to switch to another topic as she's probably not interested or unfamiliar with it.
Tip #5. Have It Casual & Low Noise
"A first date should not be a production," Alisha Powell, PhD, LCSW says. First dates do not have to be lengthy to be good. What's more important is to have the setting as casual as possible, a quiet setting can help when each of you is sharing his/he stories and experiences.
Tip #6. Politely Dressed
Dress for the dating venue and make sure your clothes are clean. They don’t have to be new, but they must be in good condition and odorless. If you have a habit of wearing perfume, casually ask her if she has any allergy to fragrance; it is likely to give the impression that you are a caring person.
Tip #7. Doesn’t Have to be Love at First Sight
“She’s the one!” If you’re thinking about this right now, chances are she will be frightened when you tell her this on the first date. You will be doing yourself a favour by keeping a cool head; if she enjoys spending time with you during the first date, you will get a second one. One step at a time, my man.
Tip #8. Splitting the Bill (Check)
Some cultural differences may set yourself up for different expectations. A lot of people are comfortable to split the bill (check) on the first date. But in my opinion, it is not an issue for men paying on the first date. Money can’t buy her love, so please don’t spend crazy amount of money on a meal during your first date.
In Asia, pardon me for being generic here (because some major metropolitan areas do not have the same practice), you may be expected to be the gentleman to pay the bill. Usually, if the girl you are dating does not say anything when you ask for the bill (check), chances are you are expected to take her up on it.
Tip #9. Limit the Small Talk
Please do not spend the whole date talking about the weather, how crowded the train was and how your pet behaved lately. You don’t want to end the first date realizing you know nothing about the girl.
After your first date, you want to know who she as a person is and what commonalities do you guys have.
Tip #10. Being Honest
If you are not enjoying the first date, be polite and excuse yourself by saying ‘Sorry, I really have to go’. There’s no need to ask a friend to fake a call, pretending to be your boss or your family member.
Tip #11. Plan Ahead
Just because it is a first date, it does not mean that it should be an impromptu one. Assuming the first date begins with a lunch, she appears to be comfortable spending time with you, it is timely to invite her to the next venue or activity.
She may be impressed if you made the effort by making a reservation, even though you weren’t sure she would end the date earlier. If you’re driving her around, make sure you know exactly where you park the car so both of you do not have to spend time looking for one or walking miles to your next venue. All in all, the overall dating experience must be pleasant.
Tip #12. Watch Your Mouth
Beginner level: Avoid any swearing or any comment that could be rude and offensive.
Advanced level: Taboo languages in some cultures (know your date’s ethnicity).
Tip #13. Having a Short Date
“I have to leave for a friend’s party in an hour.” She needs to leave for something else, please respect her decision. If both of you are having a great time, it will leave her wanting more. Second date will not be an issue, some mysteries and unanswered questions can be intriguing.
It does not matter whether it was an excuse or not, if the date goes poorly, and you are not able to get a second date, please learn from the opportunity. It is time to move on.
Tip #14. Not All About Her
Truth is everybody is going to hurt you, you just got to find the ones worth suffering for. – Bob Marley
It is natural that you are trying to leave a good impression during your first date. Please don’t forget to prioritize your relationship goals and needs, while you may be fulfilling hers, she might not be a good fit for you.
Tip #15. Do Not Violate Her Boundaries
Be respectful and understanding as your date may have a different set of boundaries. For the first date to be a successful one, she needs to feel mentally, physically and emotionally safe.
Tip #16. Ask for a Second Date
Before you say that I am crazy, please hear me out.
During your first date, you would have basic knowledge of her interests and personality. If your first date goes well, you should ask for a second date, based on what you would learn about her, by the end of your first date.
First Date Tips for Men: Let the Romance Begin!
Relationships and dating can be intimidating for most people. You are not alone. Using these first date tips, you are ready for your first date.
If you are single, we can discuss your relationship goals, and see if our matchmaking service could help you reach your first date!